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Showing posts with the label Love


             Someone defined a friend as someone who knows you are not perfect but treats you as if you were.  I dont know if that applies to you too but i can't agree more..      Friendship is what people should cherish, inspite of all odds. Be that as it may, it does not come easy and sometimes it creeps in on you.  When you go to a place, you take no friend with you, none is there to herald your entry:but when you leave, you leave many of them behind and belive me you will not leave unsung. In life we meet people across paths, mend fences and come out stronger.        Nothing endures like a life long friendship. Do not let the link cut or pay. Samuel Johnson once said that if a man does not make few acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find hinself left alone. He did not say that nothing goes wrong in friendship, but we should mend it when it goes bad..  A MUST READ...


     Someone defined a woman as "What Men Are Not". A woman is one of most weird creature on earth, smiling and laughing this minute, crying the next. Sometimes we wonder how their emotional tank change so swiftly without much stress.     Have you ever heard of "Mother's Love" before? That is always said because a woman does not toy with the welfare of her kids. She will go any length to make sure they dont lack, she would stay hungry for her children to be well-fed. A woman whose child is sick is always scared, she will do anything to make sure her child is back to health because she fears losing her children, she will discipline her children but still rock them to sleep with lullabies. Thats a mother's love. All mothers are women but not all women are mothers. In a relationship, a woman will go a long way to prove that she loves you. She cries when you are in pains, dots on you and sometimes men tend to take them for granted. A woman is a caregive...

Appreciation matters Alot

IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE/TANGO.. LEARN TO APPRECIATE THE WORTH OF OTHERS..        At times we let our ego come in between the people that matters most. Even in marriage individuals want to be seen as the best as thou they are competing. Learn to appreciate the worth of others because if put in the same circumstances you might not handle half of what they have dealt with.. 'A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed at home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed, 'Dear Lord, i go to work everyday and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what i go through. So, please allow her body to switch with mine for a day'. God in his infinite wisdom granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took them to the cleaners and stopped at the bank where ...

Relationships: All you need to know

WHAT'S A RELATIONSHIP ABOUT ANYWAY?      Sometimes crushes feel so good and strong that its all you can think about. You obsess over everything they do trying to figure out what thier next phase maybe, especially as a teenager. A good relationship is one that is mutually dependent or interdependent. The right relationship fortify your resillence and fearlessness, empowering success in all aspects of your life. A relationship is where both partners gets inner peace just being with each other. We have relationships of all kinds; we have relationship with our friends and families, classmates, colleagues at work and our lovers. But relationships of all kinds should make u feel good about yourself. WHAT DOES BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP ACTUALLY MEAN.       Everyone has a time in life when being with your partner makes you stronger. When someone believes, when someone motivates you, inspires you, strengthens you, then you realize what being in a relat...