Someone defined a friend as someone who knows you are not perfect but treats you as if you were.
I dont know if that applies to you too but i can't agree more..
Friendship is what people should cherish, inspite of all odds. Be that as it may, it does not come easy and sometimes it creeps in on you.
When you go to a place, you take no friend with you, none is there to herald your entry:but when you leave, you leave many of them behind and belive me you will not leave unsung. In life we meet people across paths, mend fences and come out stronger.
Nothing endures like a life long friendship. Do not let the link cut or pay. Samuel Johnson once said that if a man does not make few acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find hinself left alone. He did not say that nothing goes wrong in friendship, but we should mend it when it goes bad..
Friendship should be one mind, two bodies.
That does not mean that you will always agree with your friend, but faithfulnes is important, particularly when it comes to what your friend holds dear. Keep your friends secrets secret. Mizner advises that the only way to keep your friend is not to give them away. Reason with your friends. Disagree if you must. Good friendship thrives on agreements and disagreements. Your friend might not have agreed with you then, but surely they will understand later. Every body isnt your friend, just because they hang aroum you and laugh with you doesnt mean they are your friends. People pretend well, at the end, real situation expose fake people. When you have someone who always tells you what you want to hear, dont walk away, run! What you are getting is flattery and flattery is likened to colourf water which may be smelt of but not swallowed. Wherever you find yourself, make friends. They say, if you see anyone without a smile, give him one of yours. It is one easy way to start a friendship although it is not easy to keep one. Do not expect people to be faultless or see things from your own view and if you keep looking for faults, you will never find a true friend. Remember that the reason there are no perfect relationship is that there are no perfect people.
How do we keep friends or remain friendly in the face of antagonism, backbiting and malice?
How do you remain the same when you think that everyone is going crazy?
Examine yourself, you may be the crazy one; the one on the wrong side. See your friends angle 1st then balance it with yours.
Dont always try to make wonderful new friends. Patch up the old ones, polish and smoothen the rough edges. Always be ready to give apologies as well as accept them. What happens when you have made great friends and you must relocate? If relocation is easy for you then you have not made any real friends. It is not easy, there is nothing good in goodbye among true friends, to them, parting is sweet sorrow.
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