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5 health tips to burn stomach fat

     You may work out daily and still have a protruded stomach if you do not watch what you eat.  Eating healthy foods or fruits enhances digestion, and reduces bloats. Below are some healthy eating habits that can help reduce stomach fats. Take lots of water Taking lots of water can help get rid of your system that help digestion. This helps achieve a flatter stomach by reducing bloating and unnecessary stomach fats. Lessen Salt Intake An excessive amount of sodium intake can cause normal water retention in the abdomen. Staying away from adding excess salt or food preparation with fresh spices or herbs can drastically decrease your salt intake. Take Cucumber and water-filled fruits The actual flavonoid antioxidants quercetin (which reduces swelling) and a top water content of 96%, cucumbers can help prevent bloating. This crunchy vegetable is also extremely adaptable: eat it in a chopped salad, spread on top of yogurt, or munch on cucumber piec...