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Showing posts from November, 2019


             It is always alkward going on a date and not knowing what to say next. Well this could be a life saver. People get adrenaline rush when you ask them about themselves. They feel happy that someone is interested in them especially when they have been starved of affection for long. Even as partners in a relationship, asking these questions can let your partner know that you are concerned about them and you have them in mind at all times, besides it eases tension. Make it look like a game, lets say a question and answer game, they should pledge sincerity and say what they feel like.. 1. Whats your favourite song and why 2. What are your likes and dislikes 3. What are your hobbies 4. What do you love doing alone 5. What do you like most about yourself 6. What are the most important things your family taught you 7. What do you think kills a relationship 8. When did you realize that you were falling in love with me 9. How would you de...


             Someone defined a friend as someone who knows you are not perfect but treats you as if you were.  I dont know if that applies to you too but i can't agree more..      Friendship is what people should cherish, inspite of all odds. Be that as it may, it does not come easy and sometimes it creeps in on you.  When you go to a place, you take no friend with you, none is there to herald your entry:but when you leave, you leave many of them behind and belive me you will not leave unsung. In life we meet people across paths, mend fences and come out stronger.        Nothing endures like a life long friendship. Do not let the link cut or pay. Samuel Johnson once said that if a man does not make few acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find hinself left alone. He did not say that nothing goes wrong in friendship, but we should mend it when it goes bad..  A MUST READ...


            The 16th President of The United States of America: Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his son's teacher on his 1st day in class..  "It is his 1st day in school and alot of things are going to be strange for him. Treat him gently but mould him firmly.   ~He will have to learn i know, that all men are not just, all men are not true, but teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero, and for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader.  MUST READ: ASUU-INDEFINITE STRIKE ~Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.  ~Teach him that a dollar earned is far off more value than five dollars found.  ~Teach him to learn to lose and also enjoy winning.     YES I CAN..  ~Steer him away from envy; if you can.  ~Teach him the secrets of quiet laughter.    IN SCHOOL, ~Teach him that it is more honoured to fail than to cheat.  ~Teach him the wonders of ...


     Someone defined a woman as "What Men Are Not". A woman is one of most weird creature on earth, smiling and laughing this minute, crying the next. Sometimes we wonder how their emotional tank change so swiftly without much stress.     Have you ever heard of "Mother's Love" before? That is always said because a woman does not toy with the welfare of her kids. She will go any length to make sure they dont lack, she would stay hungry for her children to be well-fed. A woman whose child is sick is always scared, she will do anything to make sure her child is back to health because she fears losing her children, she will discipline her children but still rock them to sleep with lullabies. Thats a mother's love. All mothers are women but not all women are mothers. In a relationship, a woman will go a long way to prove that she loves you. She cries when you are in pains, dots on you and sometimes men tend to take them for granted. A woman is a caregive...